Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Update through email and our agency

I did recieve word from our agency that Shiloh will remain in the orphanage until we get her, and she will not be going back to foster care. While it is best for the children to be in foster families, I think at this point it would be better for her not to be moved around yet again. So for now this is OK with us, not that we have much control of anything. Our original paperwork had said she was in foster care but when we asked they told us that a lot of the Baotou kids had been removed from foster care due to the families using coal to warm their homes and there had been fires.....not really sure about this story but for now I do think it is best she is not moved again. I wonder if due to the new nice building the SWI wanted the kids back to make sure the money stayed there?

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